Encore Dog Sports
Regina, SK

(306) 531-5860
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Rally Obedience

What is Rally Obedience?

This sport is intended to promote positive relationships between dogs and owners based on trust and respect. Rally encourages the participation of ALL dogs, purebred or mixed breed, pets or titled champions as well as physically challenged dogs and handlers.

Attitude is more important in Rally than precision. Dogs and handlers "just gotta have fun". The concept of a single continuous performance, uninterrupted by orders from the Judge, demands a sustained communication between the dog and handler. The handler may talk and give hand and body signals to his or her dog throughout the performance. This provides a mental stimulus for the handler as the course outlines are different at each trial.

Dogs and handlers use directional signs to run through a numbered course within an allotted time. It goes beyone basic heeling by interspersing over 40 obedience movements with the sits, turns, and paces of traditional heeling. It also requires a brisk pace, positive attitude and happy demeanor.

Rally is for those who desire an effortless activity that is fun and games. It is not simple or easy, but challenges you and your dog in a partnership that improves heeling and teamwork. The ability to work as a team in this way during a Rally Style Obedience performance, greatly adds to the handlers ability to maintain the dog's attention and attitude at a high level. This feature, along with variability incorporated into course design and format, creates a fast moving continuous performance. Rally is designed so that dogs in all levels of training my partipate. A beginners course could include heel, sits, turning, paces, sit and stay and elements of the recall. As the dogs gain skill, the more difficult courses are designed which will improve you and your dogs performance levels and confidence.

What is the purpose of CARO?

The purpose of the Canadian Association of Rally Obedience is:
  • to encourage ALL dogs, purebred, mixed breeds, pets, companion dogs or titled champions to participate in the fun and exciting sport of Rally Obedience
  • to provide a venue for dogs to earn Rally Obedience titles in Canada
  • to qualify and certify Judges in Canada, so that more trials can be held
  • to maintain registry of dogs eligible for competition
  • to maintain ra registry of trial results and titles awarded
  • to establish a database of training classes, clinics, etc
  • to use the guidelines of APDT, AKC and CARO, to promote Rally O to its fullest potential

  • Physically challenged dogs or handlers are welcome and special accomodations are made for them.
    Good Sportsmanship both in and out of the ring is a primary objective of CARO.
    Rally O is a venue where dogs and handlers can work together as a team in an atmosphere of fun and enjoyment while honing their skills and earning awards for their efforts.
    It is Bud (Charles) Kramer's wish that even as more Advanced levels are added to Rally, that Rally titles will remain based on individual scores and not on the aspect of defeating other teams. It small remain in our mandate to encourage and reward individual dog and handler teams so that Rally will remain a sport, much in the way Agility is a sport.
    The CARO incorporates many of the rules of Rally O from the Association of Pet Dog Trainers and the newly adapted rules of the AKC (American Kennel Club). CARO has combined most of the aspects of both APDT and the AKC and as the sport grows and flourishes, new levels of competition will evolve along with the sport and rules and regulations governing the Judging and performance of individual exercises will be modified. CARO invites YOU to come along for the time of your live. Your best buddy will thank you.